Home. The office. Your first baby’s nursery. The church where you married the love of your life. You have a special bond with certain places in your life. Most of the time, those places are special because of the people you share them with.

That’s why we specialize in people first, using our experience in real estate, investing, and property management to connect our favorite people (that’s you) with their next important place.

Let’s find your next important place.


Manage your commercial properties efficiently

With over $20 million of property in our portfolio, we know what it takes to maintain your property. We also specialize in science & tech properties.

Build wealth with investment properties

Picking the right investment alone isn’t enough. We’ll make sure you’re getting the best deal possible, and then help you maximize ROI.

Manage assets or property within an estate trust

Trusts, large and small, come with special challenges. Our experience makes us the right choice to help you build and manage them successfully.

Maximize profit through marketing and advertising

No matter what you’re listing or selling, our marketing people are the best. We’ll even let you borrow them if you promise to give them back.

Find a new, forever dream home for you & your family

Our residential team will leave no stone unturned finding your next best move. In fact, they’re probably already searching listings for you. Like, right now.

List and sell your home or property for a great price

Don’t leave money on the table. From yard signs to ad copy in your online listing, we’ll help you wring every penny out of your residential home sale.
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If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.

—C.S. Lewis

We’re going to love working with you.

Eric Elmquist, Founder, Principal

Eric Elmquist, Founder, Principal

Loves building relationships & property values

Eric built Covalent Properties around his desire to connect people with their goals. Whether you’re looking for the financial security that comes from the right investment, or the emotional security that comes from finding the perfect home, Eric and Covalent Properties can help. Eric’s science background has also made Covalent one of the most highly qualified companies in the region in science-based commercial real estate.
Ghislain Vander Elst, Affiliate Broker

Ghislain Vander Elst, Affiliate Broker

Most Interesting Man in Real Estate

Ghislain’s a long-time resident of Williamson County with a long history of buying, restoring, and selling older homes. He sees properties as more than just a shelter. They’re memories. Legacy. They’re where you entertain, and build relationships. They’re a place of nourishment. And for his clients, they’re likely to be profitable, as he partners with you to get you where you want to be.

Jenette Malaikham, Controller

Jenette Malaikham, Controller

Counter of Beans and Blessings

Jenette is the kind of person you absolutely must have on your team. She’s in the client business first, but she plays specifically in the numbers sandbox. You might find her masterfully navigating the cells of a spreadsheet or a Quickbooks account. And with over 20 years of experience, she’s an absolute wiz at it. Finally, just as impressively, she’s a joy to have around the office.

Residential Properties

Real Estate Investment

Commercial Properties

Covalent Properties

134 2nd Ave N, Suite 104
Franklin,TN 37064

At the intersection of people and places.